How to avoid cross contamination when sampling food at Natural Products Expo West this week
We've compiled a list of DOs and DONTs for safe and sanitary food sampling at food trade shows, in-store demos and sampling, and at local farmers' markets.
DOs & DONTs for Safe & Sanitary Food Sampling
DO have servers and sample passers wash hands and wear disposable gloves when passing out samples.DON’T offer attendees sampling spoons in loose piles or dispensers, where cross contamination through touch can occur.
DO use a sanitary dispenser for your sampling spoons and have booth staff pass samples to attendees to avoid any cross contamination.
DON'T allow attendees to grab sampling spoons, utensils or tongs themselves due to risk of cross contamination.
DO offer samples in sample cups or on a plated EcoTaster under a Plexiglass sneeze guard or pass out individual samples cups one at a time.
Do AVOID self-service sampling stations with loose utensils or self-serve tongs.
Food samples can be easily plated onto EcoTasters and passed directly to attendees to avoid any cross contamination.
Grab our special offer of 10% OFF your next order of EcoTaster Mini or Mid paperboard sampling spoons with promo code: ENJOY10
(10% discount offer good for up to 3 cases of EcoTaster Mini or Mid or Eco-iScoops, including Starter Kits)